I believe we all have an innate intelligence and unique nature, worthy of celebration and expression.

Sometimes we just need support, encouragement, attuned pacing, and space to strengthen our connection with it and to learn to live from it. My mission is to support you in connecting with your own inner-wisdom so that you can not only thrive, but that the inner care and well-being ripples out to friends, families, communities, and our planet.

Learn about my Yoga Offerings and Somatic Offerings.

  • Ring the bells that still can ring

    Forget your perfect offering

    There is a crack, a crack in everything

    That's how the light gets in

    - Leonard Cohen

  • “Do not pray exclusively to the ancestors of the land; make room also for the spirits of the fault line, the new gods that scream through cracks with the first musical notes of worlds to come”

    - Bayo Akomolafe